Zepeng Li

2019-01-11   T|T

Name:Zepeng Li
Technical position:Associate professor
Research Interests:Graph theory and combinatorial optimization, Complex networks
Department:Institute of computer software and theory
2004.09-2011.06 College of Mathematics and Information Science, Northwest Normal University   B.S. and M.S.
2011.09-2015.07 School of Electronics Engineering and Computer Science, Peking University        Ph.D.
Work Experience
2015.7-2017.6   Peking University  Postdoctor
2017.6-Present   Lanzhou University     Associate professor
Yuan Bai, Shanyu Yang
Published Papers
Journal Papers
1.        Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Fangnian Lang, et al. Computational Complexity of Outer-independent Total and Total Roman Domination Numbers in Trees. IEEE Access, 2018, 6:35544-35550.
2.        Zepeng Li, Jin Xu. On the trees with same signed edge and signed star domination numbers. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2018, 95(12): 2388–2395.
3.        Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. NP-completeness of local colorings of graphs, Information Processing Letters, 2018,130:25–29.
4.        Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. Weak {2}-domination number of Cartesian products of cycles, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2018, 35(1): 75-85.
5.        Zepeng Li, Yang Zuo. On the degree sequences of maximal outerplanar graphs, Ars Combinatoria, 2018, 140: 237-250.
6.        Zepeng Li, Jin Xu. A characterization of trees with equal independent domination and secure domination numbers, Information Processing Letters, 2017, 119:14-18.
7.        Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. On secure domination in trees, Quaestiones Mathematicae, 2017, 40(1): 1-12.
8.        Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. A note on uniquely 3-colorable planar graphs. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2017, 94(5): 1028-1035.
9.        Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. Size of edge-critical uniquely 3-colorable planar graphs. Discrete Mathematics, 2016,339(4): 1242–1250.
10.    Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. On dominating sets of maximal outerplanar and planar graphs. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2016, 198:164-169.
11.    Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Enqiang Zhu, Jin Xu. A note on local coloring of graphs. Information Processing Letters, 2015, 115: 302-305.
12.    Zehui Shao, Zepeng Li, Aljo?a Peperko, et al. Independent Rainbow Domination of Graphs. 2017. DOI 10.1007/s40840-017-0488-6
13.    Zehui Shao, Sandi Klav?ar, Zepeng Li, Pu Wu, Jin Xu. On the signed Roman k-domination: Complexity and thin torus graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2017, 233: 175–186.
14.    Zehui Shao, Fei Deng, Zepeng Li, Aleksander Vesel, Graceful labelings of the generalized Petersen graphs, Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization, 2017, 2: 149-159.
15.    Jin Xu, Zepeng Li, Enqiang Zhu. On purely tree-colorable planar graphs. Information Processing Letters, 2016, 116: 532–536.
16.    Xiang’en Chen, Zepeng Li. Adjacent-vertex-distinguishing proper edge colorings of planar bipartite graphs with Δ=9, 10, or 11. Information Processing Letters, 2015, 115(2):263-268.
17.    Xiang’en Chen, Zepeng Li. Vertex-distinguishing I-total colorings of graphs. Utilitas Mathematica, 2014, 95: 319-327.
18.    Enqiang Zhu, Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu, Chanjuan Liu. Tree-core and tree-coritivity of graphs. Information Processing Letters, 2015, 115(10):754-759.
19.    Enqiang Zhu, Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu, Chanjuan Liu. Acyclic 3-coloring of generalized Petersen graphs. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, 2016, 31(2):902-911.
20.    Enqiang Zhu, Zepeng Li, Zehui Shao, Jin Xu. Acyclically 4-colorable triangulations. Information Processing Letters, 2016, 116: 401-408.
21.    Tianyong Han, Zehui Shao, Enqiang Zhu, Zepeng Li, Fei Deng, Star coloring of Cartesian product of paths and cycles, Ars Combinatoria, 2016, 124: 65-84.
22.    Zepeng Li, Yang Zuo, Hongyu Wang. An Influence Measure of Nodes Based on Structures of Social Networks. Acta Electronica Sinica, 2016, 44(12): 2967-2974.
Conference papers
1.      Zepeng Li, Jin Xu. Constructions of uniquely 3-colorable graphs[C]//IEEE First International Conference on Data Science in Cyberspace (DSC). IEEE Computer Society, Changsha, China, 2016:143-148.
Academic awards: Boya Postdoctoral Program of Peking University
1.        National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Influence Maximization in Social Networks Using Dominating Set Theory (61802158)
2.        National Natural Science Foundation of China: Research on Topological Structures of Online Social Networks with Core and Coritivity Theory  (61672050)
3.        China Postdoctoral Science Foundation:Research and Application of Graph Dominating Set in Wireless Sensor Networks(2016M591013)

PREV:Anping He

NEXT:Rongjing Hu