Zhaobin Wang

2019-01-11   T|T
Associate Professor, Master’s Supervisor, Ph.D.
Learning experience:
Sept.2000-Jul.2004   Yantai University (bachelor)
Sept.2004-Jul.2006   Lanzhou University (master)
Sept.2006-Jul.2010   Lanzhou University (PhD)
Nov.2008-Nov.2009  Dalhousie University, Canada (Joint PhD)
Work experience:
Undergraduate course: Signals and Systems; Principle and Development of Embedded Systems
Graduate course: Design and Implementation of Embedded Systems
Guided master students is reading: 9
Research direction:
1. Theory and application of pulse coupled neural networks
2. Intelligent information processing and analysis of biomedical images
3. Deep learning and pattern recognition
4. Design and development of embedded systems
Published papers and monographs:
1. Published papers (sorted by year):
1. Zhaobin Wang, Huale Li, Ying Zhu, TianFang Xu. Review of Plant Identification Based on Image Processing. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2017, 24(3): 637-654. (SCI IF: 5.061)
2. Zhaobin Wang, Shuai Wang, Ying Zhu. Multi-focus Image Fusion Based on the Improved PCNN and Guided Filter. Neural Processing Letters, 2017, 45(1): 75-94. (SCI IF: 1.620)
1. Zhaobin Wang, Shuai Wang, Ying Zhu, Yide Ma. Review of Image Fusion Based on Pulse-Coupled Neural Network. Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering. 2016, 23(4): 659-671. (SCI IF: 5.061)
2. Zhaobin Wang, Hao Wang. Image Smoothing with Generalized Random Walks: Algorithm and Applications. Applied Soft Computing. 2016, 46: 792-804. (SCI IF: 3.541)
3. Zhaobin Wang, Xiaoguang Sun, Yaonan Zhang, Ying Zhu, Yide Ma. Leaf Recognition Based on PCNN. Neural Computing and Applications. 2016, 27(4): 899-908. (SCI IF: 2.505)
1. Zhaobin Wang, Hao Wang, Xiaoguang Sun, Xu Zheng. An Image Enhancement Method Based on Edge Preserving Random Walk Filter, 11th International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2015, 433-442, Fuzhou, China, 2015.8.20-2015.8.23.
2. Zhaobin Wang, Xu Zheng, Xiaoguang Sun, Hao Wang, Ying Zhu, Jianpeng Liu, Yide Ma. A New Petiole Detection Algorithm Based on Leaf Image, 2015 28th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, CCECE 2015, 1430-1434, Halifax, NS, Canada,2015.5.3-2015.5.6.
1. Zhaobin Wang, Xiaoguang Sun, Yide Ma, et al. Plant Recognition Based on Intersecting Cortical Model. 2014 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). 2014: 975 - 980 (EI)
1. Zhaobin Wang, Miao Guo, Ying Zhu, Lizhen Yang and Yide Ma. Macromolecular Extraction Based on Contour Evolution. ICGIP: International Conference of Graphic and Image Processing. 2013, Vol. 87686G1-4. (EI: 20132916518143)
2. Miao Guo, Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, and Weiying Xie. Review of Parametric Active Contour Models in Image Processing. Journal of Convergence Information Technology. 2013, 8(11): 248-258.
3. Weiying Xie, Yide Ma, Bin Shi, Zhaobin Wang. Gallstone Segmentation and Extraction from Ultrasound Images Using Level Set Model. Biosignals and Biorobotics Conference (BRC), 2013 ISSNIP. (EI: 20131816296560)
4. Yan Zhang, Yi Tian, Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Yurun Ma. An ECG Intelligent Monitoring System with MSP430 Microcontroller. Proc. of 2013 8th International Workshop on Systems, Signal Processing and their Applications (WoSSPA). 2013, 214-219 (EI)
5. Yide Ma, Weiying Xie, Zhaobin Wang, Wen Li. A New Level Set Method for Biomedical Image Segmentation. The 17th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition in 2013, 2013 (EI)
6. Lijun Zhou, Yide Ma, Jing Lian, Zhaobin Wang. A New Effective Algorithm for Iris Location. Proc. of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. 2013, 1790-1795 (EI)
1. Xiaojun Li, Yide Ma, Zhaobin Wang, Wenrui Yu. Geometry-invariant Texture Retrieval Using a Dual-output Pulse-coupled Neural Network. Neural computation. 2012, 24(1):194-216. (SCI IF: 1.938)
1. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Gu Jason. Multi-focus Image Fusion Using PCNN [J]. Pattern Recognition. 2010, 43(6): 2003 – 2016. (SCI IF: 4.582)
2. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Feiyan Cheng, Lizhen Yang. Review of Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, Image and Vision Computing. 2010, 28(1): 5-13 (SCI IF: 2.671)
3. Ying Zhu, Zhiye Wang, Jianping Zhou, Zhaobin Wang. Bacteria Classification Using Neural Network. Proceedings of the 6rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2010). pp. 1199-1203 (EI: 20104613375578)
1. Dong Liang, Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma. A Novel Approach for Plant Embryonic Cells Serial Section Images Registration, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2009. (EI: 20095312596301)
2. Feiyan Cheng, Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Lizhen Yang, Qingxiang Gao. A New Approach for Edge Detection of Color Microscopic Image Using Modified Pulse Coupled Neural Networks, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering. 2009. (EI: 20095312596281)
1. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma. Medical Image Fusion Using m-PCNN [J]. Information Fusion. 2008, 9(2):176 –185. (SCI IF: 5.667)
2. Lizhen Yang, Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Feiyan Cheng, Qingxiang Gao. Extraction of Interested Objects in Botanic Somatic Embryo Images. Proceedings of the 2008 international conference on bioinformatics & computational biology. BIOCOMP2008, 2008, 2:478-482. (EI: 20091311984920)
3. Maojun Su, Zhaobin Wang, Hongjuan Zhang, Yide Ma. A New Method for Blood Cell Image Segmentation and Counting Based on PCNN and Autowave. Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Communications, Control, and Signal Processing, ISCCSP 2008, 2008: 6-9. (EI: 20083611523867)
1. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma. Dual-channel PCNN and Its Application in the Field of Image Fusion [C]. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC 2007). 2007, Volume 1, pp.755-759. (EI: 080311026520; ISTP: BGT60)
2. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, and Guangzhu Xu. A New Approach to Iris Recognition [J]. International Journal of Information Acquisition. 2007, 4(1):69-76.
1. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Guangzhu Xu. A Novel Method of Iris Feature Extraction Based on the ICM [C]. Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Acquisition. IEEE ICIA 2006, pp.814-818. (ISTP: BFL81; EI: 082811360616)
2. Yide Ma, Zhaobin Wang, Chenghu Wu. Feature Extraction from Noisy Image Using PCNN [C]. Proceedings of 2006 IEEE Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Acquisition. IEEE ICIA 2006, pp.808-813. (ISTP: BFL81; EI: 082811360615)
2. Monographs:
1. Yide Ma, Lian Li, Kun Zhan, Zhaobin Wang. Pulse Coupled Neural Network and Digital Image Processing. Beijing: Science Press, 2008.
2. Yide Ma, Kun Zhan, Zhaobin Wang. Applications of Pulsed Coupled Neural Networks. Beijing: High Education Press & Springer Press 2010.
3. Yide Ma, Kun Zhan, Zhaobin Wang. Image Processing of Pulse Coupled Neural Networks (2nd Edition). Beijing: High Education Press, 2008.
4. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Wenheng Sun. Principle and Application of MSP430 MCU. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2017.
5. Zhaobin Wang, Yide Ma, Wenheng Sun, Yongjie Ma. Principle and Engineering Design Practice of MSP430 Series MCU. Beijing: Tsinghua University Press, 2014.


NEXT:Jingzhi Yan