2005/09-2007/06, Lanzhou University, School of Information Science and Engineering, MA.Sc
2005/09-2010/06, Lanzhou University, School of Information Science and Engineering, Ph.D
Work Experience
1. Since 2015/06, Lanzhou University, School of Information Science and Engineering, Associate professor
2. 2014/10-2015/10, University of Heidelberg, Kirchhoff Institute of Physics, Academic Visitor
3. 2010/07-2015/06, Lanzhou University, School of Information Science and Engineering, Lecturer
Teaching and guidance for graduate students
Main courses: Communication Principles, Modern Information Theory, Optoelectronic Technology and Optical Fiber Communication
Postgraduate students: 8
Publications (*corresponding authors)
(1) Pengfei Cao(*), Hui Chen, et al., High-sensitivity refractive index of Au@ Cu2? xS core–shell nanorods, RSC Advances, 2018, 8(61): 35005-35013.
(2) Zhang H, Cao P, Dou J, et al. Double-exponential refractive index sensitivity of metal–semiconductor core–shell nanoparticles: the effects of dual-plasmon resonances and red-shift[J]. RSC Advances, 2018, 8(3): 1700-1705.
(3) Pengfei Cao(#)(*),Lin Cheng,Xiaoping Zhang,Xuelin Huang,Hongmei Jiang,Near infrared plasmonic far-field nanofocusing effects with elongated depth of focus base on hybrid Au-dielectric-Ag subwavelength structures,Plasmonics,2016,2016:1-13
(4) Pengfei Cao(#),Lin Cheng,Xiaoping Zhang,Vector Hopkins model research based on off-axis illumination in nanoscale lithography,Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier,2009,93:291-306
(5) Pengfei Cao(#),Lin Cheng,Xiaoping Zhang(*),Weiping Lu,,Weijie Kong,Xuewu Liang,Far-field tunable nano-focusing based on metallic slits surrounded with nonlinear-variant widths and linear-variant depths of circular dielectric grating,Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier,2013,138:647-660
(6) Pengfei Cao(#),Xiaoping Zhang,Weijie Kong,Lin Cheng,Hao Zhang,Superresolution enhancement for the superlens with anti-reflection and phase control coatings via surface plasmons modes of asymmetric structure,Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier,2011,119:191-206
(7) Pengfei Cao(#),Lin Cheng,Yuee Li,Xiaoping Zhang,Qingqing Meng,Weijie Kong,Reflectivity and phase control research for superresolution enhancement via the thin films mismatch,Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier,2010,107:365-378
(8) Pengfei Cao(#),Xiaoping Zhang,Lin Cheng,Qingqing Meng,Far field imaging research based on multilayer positive-and negative-refractive-index media under off-axis illumination,Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier,2009,98:283-298
(9) Cao, Pengfei(#)(*), and Lin Cheng. "Low-Power Far Field Nanonewton Optical Force Trapping Based on Far-Field Nanofocusing Plasmonic Lens." Progress In Electromagnetics Research M 47 (2016): 37-44.
(10) Pengfei Cao(#)(*),Lin Cheng,Yuee Li,Weijie Kong,Li Gong,Xining Zhao,Focal length and focal depth of metallic superlens,6th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies: Design, Manufacturing, and Testing of Smart Structures, Micro- and Nano-Optical Devices, and Systems,2012.4.26-2012.4.29
(11) Hongmei Jiang,Pengfei Cao(*),Optical trapping force and sensing detection research based on optical fiber shapes and transmission modes,7th International Symposium on Advanced Optical Manufacturing and Testing Technologies (AOMATT 2014),2014.4.26-2014.4.29
(12) Li, Zhiyun, Pengfei Cao(*), et al. "Near infrared plasmonic optical trapping based on hybrid metal nanorod." Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS). IEEE, 2016.
Research Interest
1. Micro-Nano Optical Sensing, Optical Trapping and Manipulating
2. Wireless Power Transfer System
Research Funds
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61205204): Super Resolution Imaging Model Research Based On Surface Plasma Resonance in Optofluidics Mircoscope.
2. The Scientic Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars: Research on PM2.5 particles collection based on adjustable optical trapping technology
3. The Open Research Fund of State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (SKLST201107): Near-infrared super-resolution imaging research based on the metal coating nanoparticles chains array.
4. "Spring sunshine" plan (No. Z2011029): Super-resolution three-demonsional optical imaging and application of molecular biology.
Awards Information
Winning Prize of National Undergraduate Electronics Design Contest
Third Prize of China Postgraduate Innovatrion And Practice Competiotions
Social Work
Tutor of Hui-Chun Chin and Tsung-Dao Lee Chinese Undergraduate Research Endowment
School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University
Mailing Address :Room504, Feiyun Building, Lanzhou University
Telephone:+86 13919118869