Ling Yang

2019-01-11   T|T
Learning experience (from undergraduate)
1985.09-1989.06  Department of Electronics & Information Science, Lanzhou University
Radio physics, Bachelor of Science
1996.09-1999.06  Department of Electronics & Information Science, Lanzhou University
Major in communication and information systems, Master of engineering
Work experience
1989.06-1995.09  Lanhua University of Staff and Workers, Sinopec   Assistant 
1995.10-1999.08  Lanhua University of Staff and Workers, Sinopec   Lecturer
1999.09-2002.07  Lanzhou Petrochemical Polytechinc   Lecturer
2002.08-2009.03  School of Information Science & Enigneering, Lanzhou University  Lecturer
2009.04-        School of Information Science & Enigneering, Lanzhou University  
Associate Professor
Teaching and mentoring Postgraduates
Major in undergraduate courses:
Circuit Analysis; Analog Electronic Circuit; Automatic Control Theory
Supervised more than 40 postgraduate students, 6 of whom went on to study for doctor's degree
Publish papers and monographs
The SCI/EI papers in the past five years are as follows:
[1] Chao SUN, Ling YANG*, et al. “Blind Source Separation and Equalization Based on Support Vector Regression for MIMO Systems”, IEICE TRANS. COMMUN., 2018 E101–B(3): pp.698-708.
[2] Li CHEN, Ling YANG*, et al. “An Extreme Learning Machine Architecture Based on Volterra Filtering and PCA”, IEICE TRANS. INF. & SYST., 2017, E100–D(11):2690-2701.
[3] Su Zhenming, Yang Ling, et al. “Gaussian mixture image restoration based on maximum correntropy criterion”, Electronics Letters, 2017, 53(11): pp.715-716
[4] Chao. SUN, Ling. Yang*, et al. “Blind equalization of multilevel signals via support vector Regression”, ICACI 2018, pp.28-33.
[5] Rong. YANG, Ling. YANG*, et al. “Blind Equalization of QAM Signals via Extreme Learning Machine”, ICACI 2018, pp.34-39
[6] Wensheng. CONG, Ling. YANG*, et al. “Blind Source Separation and Equalization for High Order QAM Signals in MIMO System”, IHMSC, 2018, pp.52-55.
[7] Li Chen, Ling YANG*, et al. “A Fast RBM-Hidden-nodes based Extreme Learning Machine”, CCDC, 2017, pp.2121-2126.
[8] YANG Ling*, SU Jing, et al. “Design and Characteristic Analysis for a Flux-Controlled Meminductor Emulator”, Journal of University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, 2016, 45(5), pp. 744-749.
[9] Yaru WANGLing YANG*, et al. “Incremental Learning Algorithm of Least Square Twin KSVC”, ICCAE 2016, pp. 1-5.
[10] Fang Wang, Ling YANG*, et al. “The multimode blind equalization algorithm based on Gaussian process regression”, IHMSC, 2016, pp.208-211.
[11] Yang Wang, Ling YANG*, et al. “Blind equalization using the support vector regression via PDF error function”, IHMSC, 2016, pp. 212-216.
[12] Zhifen YANG, Ling YANG*, et al. “Spectrum Prediction for High-frequency Radar Based on Extreme Learning Machine”, ICACI 2015, pp. 235-239.
[13] Ling YANG*, Yanping FU, et al. “Blind Equalization of Short Burst Signals based on Twin Support Vector Regressor and Data-Reusing Method”, ICCCNT, 2014, pp.1-6.
[14] YANG Ling*, LV, Na, Xu, et al. “Spectrum prediction for cognitive radio system based on optimally pruned extreme learning machine”, Advances in Mechatronics, Robotics and Automation II, 2014(536-537) , pp.430-436.
Four textbooks have been published in the past five years as follows:
[1] Fundamentals of Circuit and Analog Technology (ISBN978-7-302-47269-8), Tsinghua university press, 2017.12
[2] Analog Electronic Circuits (ISBN978-7-302-40320-3) , Tsinghua university press, 2015.09
[3] Study Guidance and Answer to Exercises for Analog Electronic Circuits (ISBN978-7-302- 40987-8) , Tsinghua university press, 2015.09
[4] Electrical and Electronic Technology (3rd Edition)(ISBN978-7-122-189912), Chemical Industry Press, 2015.03
Research field: intelligent information processing and wireless communication technology
In the past five years, the main research direction is “Intelligent Signal Processing of Communication Systems”. Specific research contents are as follows: The application of artificial neural network and support vector machine theory in modern wireless communication system is studied. The main problems include channel estimation and blind equalization, spectrum prediction and modulation recognition of cognitive radio system, spectrum monitoring of HF ground wave over-the-horizon radar, etc.
Project results
[1] Gansu Province Natural Science Foundation(20180322),
[2] Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [lzujbky-2017-38].
[3] Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities [lzujbky-2015-109].
[4] National Science and Technology Support Project(2011BAK12B06)
[5] Gansu Province Natural Science Foundation(1107RJYA030)
[6] Gansu Provincial Education Department Project (0906-02)
[7] Gansu Province Natural Science Foundation(0803RJZA026)
Honorary Award
[1] Lanzhou University "Course Ideology and Politics" Competition Award (2018)
[2] Longji Education and Teaching Award of Lanzhou University (2012)
[3] Lanzhou University First Prize for Teaching Achievements (2011)
[4] China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Outstanding Publications Award (2010)
[5] Lanzhou University Advanced Individual Award for “Three Education” (2007)
[6] Lanzhou Chemical Petrochemical Company Excellent Teacher Award (1995)
  Social work
[1] Commentary Expert of the Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education
[2] Shaanxi Science and Technology Plan Assessment Expert
[3] Experts of Science and Technology Evaluation and Award Evaluation in Gansu Province
[4]Cooperative Member of the Teaching Steering Committee of Electronic Information Specialty
in Higher Education Institutions of the Ministry of Education

PREV:Chuanyi Liu