Professor, Institute of photoelectron and electromagnetic information, School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University, No. 222 Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou 730000,
Mobile: (86) 13893663115, E-mail:
Name: Xiaoping Zhang
Gender: Female
Date and country of birth: Dec 08, 1961, China
Sep., 1978 ~ Jun., 1982 B. S. in
RadioPhysics Lanzhou University, China.
Jul., 1987 ~ Now School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University.
Research Interest
Prof. Zhang's main research areas are divided into two sides: experimental research and computer simulation. She is mainly engaged in the research of microfluidic technology, photo-fluid technology, nano-optics, energy harvesting and other fields of soft functional materials ionic liquids. She has undertaken a number of national and provincial research projects, and receiving the “New Century Excellent Talents Support Plan” from the Ministry of Education.
Selected List of Publications
(1) Guan, Y.; Shao, Q.; Chen, W.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, X.; Deng, Y., Flow-Induced Voltage Generation by Driving Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids over a Graphene Nano-Channel. J. Mater. Chem. A 2018, 6, 11941-11950.
(2) Du, C.; Liu, S.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, X.; Deng, Y., Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Nanotubes Based on Ionic Liquid Precursors as Effective Cathode Catalysts for Li/SoCl2 batteries. J. Electrochem. Soc. 2018, 165, A1955-A1960.
(3) Chen, W.; Guan, Y.; Zhang, X.; Deng, Y., Influence of External Electric Field on Vibrational Spectrum of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids Probed by Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica 2018, 34, 912-919.
(4) He, X. D.; Qiang, W. B.; Wu, J. B.; Shao, Q. F.; Cao, P. F.; Cheng, L.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Manipulation of Magnetic Ionic Liquid Droplets and Their Application in Energy Harvesting. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 2017, 50, 465002.
(5) He, X. D.; Qiang, W. B.; Du, C.; Shao, Q. F.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Modification of Lubricant Infused Porous Surface for Low-Voltage Reversible Electrowetting. J. Mater. Chem. A 2017, 5, 19159-19167.
(6) Guan, Y. J.; Shao, Q. F.; Chen, W. Q.; Liu, S. M.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Dynamic Three-Dimensional Nanowetting Behavior of Imidazolium-Based Ionic Liquids Probed by Molecular Dynamics Simulation. J. Phys. Chem. C 2017, 121, 23716-23726.
(7) Gong, J. H.; Yang, F. L.; Zhang, X. P., A Novel Wideband Optical Absorber Based on All-Metal 2D Gradient Nanostructures. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 2017, 50, 455105.
(8) Gong, J. H.; Yang, F. L.; Shao, Q. F.; He, X. D.; Zhang, X. P.; Liu, S. M.; Tang, L. Y.; Deng, Y. Q., Microwave Absorption Performance of Methylimidazolium Ionic Liquids: Towards Novel Ultra-Wideband Metamaterial Absorbers. RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 41980-41988.
(9) Shao, Q.; Jia, J.; Guan, Y.; He, X.; Zhang, X., Flow-Induced Voltage Generation by Moving a Nano-Sized Ionic Liquids Droplet over a Graphene Sheet: Molecular Dynamics Simulation. J. Chem. Phys. 2016, 144, 124703.
(10) Xu, Z. H.; Kong, W. J.; Cheng, L.; Ma, A.; Lu, X. B.; Wang, Y. Z.; Zhang, X. P.; Zhang, X. Y., Universal Three-Dimensional Polarization-Dependent Optical Properties in Anisotropic Plasmonic Nanostar: A Route Boosting Single Particle 3d Orientation Determination and Orientation-Unlimited Polarization Information Detection. Plasmonics 2015, 10, 1185-1193.
(11) Xu, Z. H.; Cheng, L.; Kong, W. J.; Wang, Y. Z.; Zhang, X. P., Single Anisotropic Plasmonic Nanoparticle Three-Dimensional Orientation Determination Based on Fano-Like Resonance and Universal 3D Orientation-Dependent Scattering Trait. J. Phys. Chem. C 2015, 119, 17316-17325.
(12) Wang, Y.; Xu, Z.; Kong, W.; Zhang, X., Broadband Mid-Infrared Super-Resolution Imaging with Metallic Nanorod-Bridged Dimer Array. Plasmonics 2015, 11, 797-802.
(13) He, X.; Shao, Q.; Cao, P.; Kong, W.; Sun, J.; Zhang, X.; Deng, Y., Electro-Optical Phenomena Based on Ionic Liquids in an Optofluidic Waveguide. Lab Chip 2015, 15, 1311-1319.
(14) Kong, W.; Cheng, L.; He, X.; Xu, Z.; Ma, X.; He, Y.; Lu, L.; Zhang, X.; Deng, Y., Electret-Based Microfluidic Power Generator for Harvesting Vibrational Energy by Using Ionic Liquids. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics 2014, 18, 1299-1307.
(15) Kong, W.; Cao, P.; He, X.; Yu, L.; Ma, X.; He, Y.; Lu, L.; Zhang, X.; Deng, Y., Ionic Liquid Based Vibrational Energy Harvester by Periodically Squeezing the Liquid Bridge. RSC Adv. 2014, 4, 19356-19361.
(16) He, X. D.; Zhang, X. P.; Shao, Q. F.; Xiang, L.; Gong, M. A.; Zhang, K., Improving Channel Capacity by Nonlinearity Compensation and Noise Suppression in High-Speed Multi-Span Optical Transmission Systems. Optik 2014, 125, 1088-1091.
(17) He, X. D.; Shao, Q. F.; Kong, W. J.; Yu, L.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., A Simple Method for Estimating Mutual Diffusion Coefficients of Ionic Liquids-Water Based on an Optofluidic Chip. Fluid Phase Equilib. 2014, 366, 9-15.
(18) Zhao, X. N.; Zhang, X. P.; Cao, P. F.; Cheng, L.; Shao, Q. F.; Kong, W. J.; Gong, L., Tunable Phase Shifter with Zero Refractive Index Photonic Crystal. Optik 2013, 124, 2751-2753.
(19) Zhao, X. N.; Zhang, X. P.; Cao, P. F.; Cheng, L.; Duan, J. X.; Cheng, L. B.; Kong, W. J.; Yang, L. L., Research About Properties of Beam Optical Focusing Structures with Double Subwavelength Metal Slits. Optik 2013, 124, 6740-6742.
(20) Xiang, L.; Harper, P.; Zhang, X., Advanced Perturbation Technique for Digital Backward Propagation in Wdm Systems. Opt. Express 2013, 21, 13607-13616.
(21) Shao, Q.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X.; He, X.; Zhang, K., A Novel Scheme of Optical Meyer Wavelet Filter Based on Time Lenses in Nonlinear Multi-Span Optics Fiber Communication System. Optical and Quantum Electronics 2013, 46, 1445-1455.
(22) Ma, A.; Li, Y.; Zhang, X., Coupled Mode Theory for Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides. Plasmonics 2013, 8, 769-777.
(23) Li, Y.; Ma, A.; Yang, L.; Zhang, X., Highly Sensitive Refractive Index Sensing with Surface Plasmon Polariton Waveguides. Plasmonics 2013, 9, 71-78.
(24) Kong, W. J.; Cao, P. F.; Zhang, X. P.; Cheng, L.; Wang, T.; Yang, L. L.; Meng, Q. Q., Near-Infrared Super Resolution Imaging with Metallic Nanoshell Particle Chain Array. Plasmonics 2013, 8, 835-842.
(25) Hu, X. D.; Zhang, S. G.; Qu, C.; Zhang, Q. H.; Lu, L. J.; Ma, X. Y.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Electrically Switchable Capillarity of Ionic Liquids. J. Adhes. Sci. Technol. 2012, 26, 2069-2078.
(26) Hu, X. D.; Zhang, S. G.; Lu, X. J.; Qu, C.; Lu, L. J.; Ma, X. Y.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., On the Performance of Thermostable Electrowetting Agents. Surf. Interface Anal. 2012, 44, 478-483.
(27) Yang, F. L.; Li, Z. P.; Zhang, S. G.; Zhang, Q. H.; Hu, X. D.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Ac Electrochemical Stability of Ionic Liquids. Chem. Lett. 2011, 40, 1423-1425.
(28) Meng, Q. Q.; Zhang, X. P.; Cheng, L.; Cao, P. F.; Li, Y. E.; Zhang, H. N.; Wang, G. H., Deep Subwavelength Focusing of Light by a Trumpet Hyperlens. Journal of Optics 2011, 13.
(29) Meng, Q. Q.; Zhang, X. P.; Cheng, L.; Cao, P. F.; Li, Y. E.; Jin, X., Demagnifying High-Resolution Imaging Based on a New System for Nanolithography. Opt. Commun. 2011, 284, 3891-3894.
(30) Lian, X.; Xiao Ping, Z., The Study of Information Capacity in Multispan Nonlinear Optical Fiber Communication Systems Using a Developed Perturbation Technique. J. Lightwave Technol. 2011, 29, 260-264.
(31) Kong, W.; Zhang, X.; Cao, P.; Cheng, L.; Shao, Q.; Zhao, X.; Gong, L.; Jin, X., Subwavelength Imaging of a Multilayered Superlens with Layers of Nonequal Thickness. Appl. Opt. 2011, 50, G131-136.
(32) Hu, X. D.; Zhang, S. G.; Qu, C.; Zhang, Q. H.; Lu, L. J.; Ma, X. Y.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Ionic Liquid Based Variable Focus Lenses. Soft Matter 2011, 7, 5941-5943.
(33) Hu, X. D.; Zhang, S. G.; Liu, Y.; Qu, C.; Lu, L. J.; Ma, X. Y.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Electrowetting Based Infrared Lens Using Ionic Liquids. Appl. Phys. Lett. 2011, 99.
(34) Cheng, L.; Cao, P. F.; Meng, Q. Q.; Zhang, X. P., Semi-Cylindrical Hyperlens Made of Al/Mgo for 20nm Lithography Node. Materials Science and Engineering, Pts 1-2 2011, 179-180, 1047-1052.
(35) Cheng, L.; Cao, P. F.; Meng, Q. Q.; Zhang, X. P., Concave Hyperlens for Directed Sub-Wavelength Demagnification Imaging. Journal of Optics 2011, 13.
(36) Cheng, L.; Cao, P.; Li, Y.; Kong, W.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, X., High Efficient Far-Field Nanofocusing with Tunable Focus under Radial Polarization Illumination. Plasmonics 2011, 7, 175-184.
(37) Shao, Q. F.; Zhang, X. P.; Qi, X. Q.; Li, H.; Xiang, L., Optical Wavelet De-Noising Applied in Multi-Span Nonlinear Fiber Links. Opt. Commun. 2010, 283, 1261-1267.
(38) Li, Y. E.; Cheng, L.; Cao, P. F.; Zhang, X. P., Nonlinear Couplers Composed of Triangular Au Wedges. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 2010, 24, 1483-1491.
(39) Li, Y. E.; Cheng, L.; Cao, P. F.; Zhang, X. P., Wavelength Division Multiplexer/Demultiplexer Based on Ag Stripe Plasmon Waveguide. In 2010 International Conference on Display and Photonics, Wu, Y., Ed. 2010; Vol. 7749.
(40) Cao, P. F.; Cheng, L.; Li, Y. E.; Zhang, X. P.; Meng, Q. Q.; Kong, W. J., Reflectivity and Phase Control Research for Superresolution Enhancement Via the Thin Films Mismatch. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier 2010, 107, 365-378.
(41) Zhang, S. G.; Zhang, Q. H.; Ye, B. X.; Li, X. L.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Photochromism of Spiropyran in Ionic Liquids: Enhanced Fluorescence and Delayed Thermal Reversion. J. Phys. Chem. B 2009, 113, 6012-6019.
(42) Li, Z. P.; Ye, B. X.; Hu, X. D.; Ma, X. Y.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Facile Electropolymerized-Pani as Counter Electrode for Low Cost Dye-Sensitized Solar Cell. Electrochem. Commun. 2009, 11, 1768-1771.
(43) Li, Y. E.; Zhang, X. P.; IEEE, Directional Couplers Using V-Groove Plasma Waveguides, 2009, p 492-494.
(44) Li, Y. E.; Zhang, X. P., Nonlinear Optical Switch Utilizing Long-Range Surface Plasmon Polaritons. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications 2009, 23, 2363-2371.
(45) Li, Y. E.; Zhang, X. P., Self-Phase Modulation in Nonlinear 2-D Plasma Waveguides. Opt. Commun. 2009, 282, 4303-4307.
(46) Hu, X.; Li, J.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, S.; Deng, Y. In The Photo-Electric Interaction in New Soft Optical-Electric Materials-Ionic Liquids, 2009 Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics, 14-16 Aug. 2009; 2009; pp 1-4.
(47) Cao, P. F.; Zhang, X. P.; Cheng, L.; Meng, Q. Q., Far Field Imaging Research Based on Multilayer Positive- and Negative-Refractive-Index Media under Off-Axis Illumination. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier 2009, 98, 283-298.
(48) Cao, P. F.; Cheng, L.; Zhang, X. P., Vector Hopkins Model Research Based on Off-Axis Illumination in Nanoscale Lithography. Progress in Electromagnetics Research-Pier 2009, 93, 291-306.
(49) Qi, X. Q.; Zhang, X. P.; Shao, Q. F., Reduction of Parametric Amplified Noise in Nonlinear Fiber Channels by Use of Wiener Filtering. J. Lightwave Technol. 2008, 26, 3210-3215.
(50) Li, Y.; Zhang, X. P., Spm of Nonlinear Surface Plasmon Waveguides. Opt. Commun. 2008, 281, 5009-5013.
(51) Cao, P. F.; Cheng, L.; Zhang, X. P., Vectorial Hopkins Formulation Depending on Angles of Off-Axis Illumination. Acta Physica Sinica 2008, 57, 6946-6954.
(52) Zhang, Q. H.; Li, Z. P.; Zhang, J.; Zhang, S. G.; Zhu, L. Y.; Yang, J.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Physicochemical Properties of Nitrile-Functionalized Ionic Liquids. J. Phys. Chem. B 2007, 111, 2864-2872.
(53) Zhang, G.; Zhang, X., Rapid Numerical Difference Recurrent Formula of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equation and Its Application. Opt. Commun. 2007, 270, 379-383.
(54) Zhang, G.; Zhang, X., Study on the Rapid Numerical Difference Recurrence Algorithm for the Simulation of Optical Pulse Propagation and Its Applications. Acta Physica Sinica 2007, 56, 2678-2683.
(55) Yang, J.; Zhang, Q. H.; Zhu, L. Y.; Zhang, S. G.; Li, J.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Novel Ionic Liquid Crystals Based on N-Alkylcaprolactam as Cations. Chem. Mater. 2007, 19, 2544-2550.
(56) Qi, X. Q.; Zhang, X. P.; Wei, H. Q.; Plant, D. V., Linearity of Nonlinear Perturbations in Fiber-Optic Transmission Lines and Its Applications to Nonlinear Compensations. Journal of the Optical Society of America B-Optical Physics 2006, 23, 2032-2039.
(57) Li, Z. P.; Du, Z. Y.; Gu, Y. L.; Zhu, L. Y.; Zhang, X. P.; Deng, Y. Q., Environmentally Friendly and Effective Removal of Br- and Cl- Impurities in Hydrophilic Ionic Liquids by Electrolysis and Reaction. Electrochem. Commun. 2006, 8, 1270-1274.
(58) Xiaoping, Z.; Dingcheng, L., Theoretical Study of Electro-Optic Effect and Elasto- Optic Effect in Chirped Fiber Grating with Uniaxial Crystal Materials Cladding.
Optical & Quantum Electronics 2004,
36, 1-13.